Most British skiers and snowboarders who have been on holiday to France will have, at some point, taken lessons from the ESF (Ecole de Ski Francais).
That’s no surprise as recent research has shown that 87% of all ski lessons in France are booked with the ESF.

Let’s take a look at 10 other stats about the ESF that you may not have known:
17,000 Registered instructors
4000 Trainees currently going through training to become instructors
30% Female instructors
250 ESF ski schools
2.5 million Customers each winter
70% Customers under 12 years old
2000 Additional ESF-related jobs
310 million Turnover in 2021/22 in euros (up 9.5% compared to 2018/19)
38% Increase in ski lesson bookings for 2022/23 year-on-year
210,000 Weeks of ski lessons booked in 2022/23 (compared with 160,000 in 2021/22)
370,000 Euros distributed via the ESF’s ‘Enfance et Montagne’ fund to primary schools to allow children to learn how to ski

To book your ski holiday and your ski lessons for your next trip to France (or any other country), please contact the Chaletline team on 01833 617761.