Tantalus Resort Lodge
Rating Description - Valid for this property only. The chalets we feature have no official rating but this operator does provide it's own assessment issued with the following guidance:

3* More comfort in the ratio of bathrooms to bedrooms and meets most people's perception of a standard chalet. Self Catered Apartment   Chalet ID: 4279

Prices and availability last updated: 11:03pm Fri 26th Jul 2024

PRICES - Select your preferred airport below


Prices are quoted include LHR flights and transfers to your hotel.  Flights from other UK airports may be possible on request. 

Stated duration is for number of nights in resort (for a 7 night holiday, you would usually land back in to the UK 8 days after your departure).

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  • For more information, please call us on 01822 61 77 61

  • Disclaimer: Prices and availability are indicative only and are usually per person for 7 nights (unless otherwise indicated) based on the standard occupancy of the largest/cheapest room.  Most holidays include flights, transfers, & accommodation on a catered basis.  Where flights/transfers are not included we try to make this clear.  Supplements may apply to the base price we have shown (e.g. room and/or flight supplements).  Parties of 7+ may earn a group discount and we offer guidance on each chalet page for reductions that may apply. Discounted/late offer holidays tend not to earn group reductions.  Finally, note that most flights charge for ski/board carriage. Please contact Chaletline to confirm availability and receive a full quote. For more information please refer to our Terms and Conditions.